Frequently Asked Questions
What can I expect from my first session?
The first session is an opportunity for you to seek clarification and information about therapy and to establish goals. It is also where you and your concerns are explored to determine a treatment plan, including session frequency and estimated duration of therapy. You and your therapist can also determine whether in-person or virtual therapy or a combination of the formats would be the best option for your treatment plan.
Is psychotherapy covered by OHIP or private insurance?
Psychotherapy is a regulated practice and in recent years has been recognized and covered by many private insurance companies. It would be important to inquire specifically with your insurance provider to see if it is covered and how much is covered annually. Psychotherapy is not covered by OHIP however some people are able to claim therapy under medical expenses with their yearly tax return.
How many sessions will I have?
As an individual, your treatment plan will be be customized to your schedule/availability, complexity of your issue and your budget. Most people experience benefit within the first 2 follow-up sessions and most find resolve between 6 and 12 sessions. It is recommended in the initial stages that sessions are spaced close together and as the concepts and strategies are practiced and reinforced, sessions can be spread out and/or alternated with booster sessions, either in-person or virtually.
How does virtual therapy work?
Even before the COVID 19 pandemic changed the way people stay connected to loved ones and healthcare, virtual health was becoming more mainstream. Individuals have been connecting with healthcare specialists for more than a decade via satellite and PHIPA/PIPEDA regulated internet platforms, allowing them to receive help that may have otherwise not been accessible. While there are logistical differences between virtual and in-person therapy experiences, when professional standards and practices are being followed, the outcomes of either format are comparable.
How does WILL THRIVE ensure my privacy while engaging in online therapy?
WILL THRIVE uses online software as the platform for online sessions and this platform is compliant with healthcare regulations including the Personal Health Information Protection Act and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act. It safeguards your information through end to end encryption using SSL/TLS technology and is hosted on Canadian servers. It is further recommended that clients utilize a secure internet connection, whether through home- based WIFI or ethernet to enhance your privacy and confidentiality when engaged in online therapy.